Users' Conferences

DwB organised two Users' Conferences in Mannheim (2013 and 2015),  to promote the dialogue between European researchers and Data Producers, NSIs and Eurostat. In particular, these conferences offered the opportunity to discuss the research findings and how to meet the research needs in terms of available data and procedures.

Researchers of all disciplines (e.g. economics, demography, geography, political science, public health, and sociology) who use microdata were encouraged to participate and to submit abstracts through Calls for Papers (one per User's Conference). When selected, they had the opportunity to present their paper during the corresponding Users' Conference.

Know More:

  • Users' Conference for research based on the EU-LFS and the EU-SILC, Mannheim, Germany, March 21–22, 2013
  • Users' Conference for research based on the EU LFS,  SILC, AES, SES, CIS, EHIS, and HBS, Mannheim, Germany, March 5–6, 2015