Activities and Events

Enhancing access across Europe to official microdata requires building trust and reaching common grounds between the stakeholder communities: the national statistical institutes, the data archives and the research community who are the final users. Other stakeholders were also interested and involved such as the central banks, government agencies holding administrative data bases important for research and policy evaluations and, of course, Eurostat and other European and international bodies.

It was considered essential to promote joint discussions and agreements between the larger communities of the national statistical institutes, other official statistics providers and data archives, and other stakeholders while involving young and established researchers as beneficiaries of the infrastructure.

Therefore, the DwB organised several events and courses to build networks, cooperation and trust; raise awareness and knowledge of the existing data and services; and to discuss and propose new solutions and tools to fulfil the DwB mission. The DwB approached its main stakeholder communities, and was able to engage them and bring them together, in some cases for the first time.

In the Activities and Training section of the website, you can get acquainted with the programme and material of the training courses, workshops, and conferences that the DwB has organised. The main event to display and discuss the output and legacy of the project was the Second European Data Access Forum (EDAF) held in March 2015 in Luxembourg. All the presentation slides and audio files are available on the EDAF event page.

Some of the activities are planned to be continued after the end of the project, organized by the project participants. The continuing activities are listed on the left side navigation as well as in the list below. There are two types of events that are planned to be integrated in the EDAF. These event pages can be accessed via the list below, only. Information on continuing activities will be provided on time.

To be continued

 Events to be continued as part of EDAFs

  • Regional Workshops
  • Additional Working Sessions



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